Monday, 25 March 2013

Can Banana Peel Really Whiten Teeth?

I just read a post shared by my high school friend via Facebook that banana peel can be used to whiten teeth naturally and effectively.

My first response is "Really?"

Then I went on to do a google search on "Banana peel to whiten teeth" and to my surprise, there were  142,000 results! I was really surprised. Even my trusted sites like and have articles on how banana peel can be used to whiten teeth. There are even youtube videos on how to use banana peels to whiten teeth.

It seems to work for some but not for others. This video on really sums it up. The dentist tried it for 14 days. It appeared to slightly whiten his teeth. In his opinion, going to the dentist to whiten your teeth is definitely more effective. Then again, he is a dentist so he has vested interest.

If you have tried the banana peel method, do let me know if it works for you. In the mean time, I will stick with my DIY Crest White Gentle Routine Teeth Whitening strips.

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