A quick recap for those of you who have not read my earlier blog What causes adult acne and how to prevent it, I woke up with a huge acne yesterday and I am determined not to have history repeat itself again. I made a promise on my blog that I would make a weekly date to clean my make up brushes. This morning was the first weekly date in months.
For those of you who have not been cleaning your makeup brushes, here are the steps to refresh your memory.

What you need:
- dirty makeup brushes
- a gentle shampoo (I use Sephora's purifying shampoo)
- a small plate
- some paper towels

What you need:
- dirty makeup brushes
- a gentle shampoo (I use Sephora's purifying shampoo)
- a small plate
- some paper towels
Step 1: Pump a small amount (dime size amount of shampoo on the small plate)
Step 2: Keep the tap running (just a gentle stream of slightly warm water
Step 3: Wet the brush at an angle (where the hair is lower than the metal portion)
Step 4: Dap a little shampoo on the brush
Step 5: Move the brush clockwise a couple of times and reverse the directions a couple of times on your palm (left palm if you are right handed and vice versa). You should see some colours running off). You should see some foams.
Step 6: Place the brush (at an angle) under running water until the water is clear. You should turn the brush to make sure that all the shampoo is washed off.
Step 7: If you are a clean freak like me, you may repeat Step 4- 6 again to do double shampoo.
Step 8: Squeeze of the excess water lightly with your finger tips
Step 9: Lay the brush flat to air dry on the paper towel
Repeat Steps 3 to 9 for each brush.
The whole process should take less than a minute per brush once you have figured out how to do it. It took me less than 10 minutes to clean 10 brushes. I hope you will make it a point to make a weekly date with your makeup brushes to clean them!
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